Gastric acidity, in certain situations such as intensive training, can create lesions in the stomach lining. These lesions or gastric ulcers can cause pain and poor performance(1). TIMRIDE-UP thanks to its acid neutralisation efficiency, is your horse’s ally, for GASTRIC COMFORT at the service of performance. This unique product is geared towards horses with high energy diets, in training, competing or in situations where stomach acidity can cause gastric discomfort.

SCIENTIFICALLY proven efficacy

GASTRIC comfort

1. Sykes & al., 2015.
2. Verification of the absence of NOPS (Naturally occuring prohibited substances) banned substances.
TIMRIDE-UP is a combination of different sources of Magnesium Oxide used to promote gastic comfort in horses with optimised action kinetics. Its efficacy has been proven both in vitro and in vivo tests.
GASTRIC comfort demonstrated by performing gastroscopies:

TIMRIDE-UP thanks to its neutralizing action of acids, allowed to decrease the scores of ulcers in 1 month!
The efficacy of TIMRIDE-UP has been validated by a study published in the Journal of Veterinary Science. This research, carried out in collaboration with Equi-Test and ONIRIS, demonstrated its positive impact on reducing gastric lesions in young trotters in training. The results showed a significant improvement in gastric comfort in sport horses, as assessed by gastroscopy.

Our solution for gastric comfort
1.5 kg bucket = 1 month of use
To be distributed twice a day,
mixed with the daily ration at a rate of :
Adult horse: 20 g / horse / feed
Pony / Foal: 10 g / horse / feed
One 17.5 mL measure contains approx. 20 g
Minimum period of use: 1 month